2 x 10lb bags
2 x 10lb bags
Exactly what I was looking for! They are conveniently bagged so I don’t have to thaw all of it at the same time!
My ferrets LOVE the chicken hearts! And its a great price for a whopping 40lbs of them!
These are more user friendly for me. Nice that they come in 4 bags so you can partially thaw, portion in containers and re freeze.
My dogs love them but I wish they could be purchased in smaller package sizes.
I ordered the chicken hearts for my cats a little reluctantly because 40lbs is a LOT of hearts! But both my cats and my 3 dogs get them daily. I love that they are packaged in quarters making it easier to handle and freeze.
The cats love them and a great training treat for my dogs!
I love these chicken hearts because they make feeding so easy! The dog loves any kind of heart and I have even used these in a *very* messy training session a couple times. Get dinner and training out of the way at once!